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Monday, March 30, 2009

STOLEN FILES! as I was posting this entry I realized that this had already been downloaded 7 can this be?? I have four CTs that download this file and then NO ONE should have access to it. I just don't get how someone could go into a personal 4-share account and steal files....?? I love designing to have paper and elements that match my pictures, and being able to share them with you is wonderful. BUT this is a pretty sad deal, and I question if its worth the effort to design kits (*FOR FREE*) if this is going to happen. I've been pondering the thought of not designing anymore and this is kinda my breaking point. SO......I'm going to slow 'er down and kits will be released every couple of weeks, if that. I know I've just started on the designing journey but this has made me realize 3 important things:
1. To be greatful that so many hard working designers share their kits for free!!
2. To always post a thank you for all their hard work....if you're going to download and use their creations, don't you just think its polite to thank them for hours and hours they spent on it. (So many times I'll download something and it will say downloaded 457 time or so :o) and then there will be 12! Pretty sad!)
3. My family is more important than what I'm releasing each week to you for free. I spend at least 3 sometimes up to 15 hours on each kit throughout the week. Thats a whole lot of time that I could be investing in my little ones and spending with my family. :o)
SO.....with that all said, this isn't the end of designing for JenasisDesign (because I love it) but will be a turning point and the kit releases will be more random. I'm going to spend more PS time creating what means the most to me and that is LOs of my sweet family. Hope y'all understand!! Thanks for all your support!
Here are the elements for Silly Star..... Enjoy! And if you download don't forget to say thanks...LOL!! :o)





  1. So sad what people do, but the rest of us appreicate your awesome manly kit. Thanks for sharing with us. Smiles Debbiejw

  2. Je ne comprends pas bien l'anglais mais du peu que j'ai pu traduire je trouve ce genre de procédé honteux :(((
    Merci pour ce tres joli kit et bonne continuation dans la création

  3. Wow, so sorry to read the disappointing news. You are a wonderful designer, and I am thankful to have been privy to your generosity in sharing with us. Thank you!

  4. Sorry to hear about the problems you're having. I want to let you know that I am bad for forgetting to leave a comment but I do want to say THANK YOU for your wonderful kits! This one will be great for my boys.

  5. Thanks for sharing your talent. I think this kit is wonderful. I wish others would respect your hard work.

  6. Oooh, pretty pretty blog! How stupid of people to STEAL something they are going to get for FREE anyway! But LOVE the new blog design!!!

  7. I love the new layout! SO PRETTY! I wanted to say sorry about people STEALING your kits! I don't understand why they can't wait. But then again I can because they all are so beautiful! THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HARDWORK I look up to kit designers because it takes up SO much time. THANK you for another wonderful kit! :) Amanda

  8. Love this kit! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I really appreciate all the time and effort you put into the wonderful kits you offer up so freely. I have tried to design kits and it is not easy as it seems. Thank you for time and love you put into you designs. Thank you for sharing this and all the other kits.

  10. Thanks for this awesome kit, and I'm so sorry about the stealing. I said the same to another designer that also had a kit stolen. It's too bad that things like this have to happen to people who are so kind to share. Thanks again for the beautiful kit!

  11. I'm sorry to hear that your files were stolen. I know I'm not always good at remembering to comment. But I greatly appreciate the generosity of designers like you, its what got me started on digital scrapbooking. Also, I love this kit, it fits perfectly with some of the pics I have been needing to scrapbook for a while!

  12. Thank you for all your wonderful work.

  13. Ok, so I'm another who sometimes forgets to comment...what poor manners I have...I think that it's something that too many of us don't think about, or just take for granted. I can't believe at all, however, that people would steal your work before you are ready to release it! Poor manners are not appropriate, and theft is beyond: totally unacceptable! Thanks for the hard work you do, and for putting those of us who forget our manners in our place. Sometimes, i just need a reminder.

    Have a wonderful week!

  14. I'm new to digi-scrapping, and I just started downloading free kits last week, from you a few other places. I'm unaware of the etiquette involved, but I'm really sorry that this happened to sucks! However, I really like your stuff (what I've seen so far). It's really cute!

  15. Darling kit! Thank you. I love the colors.

  16. Great new blog background! Keep up the great work! I can also have my hubby translate that french comment above if you like :)

  17. love the new blog look! thanks for all your hardwork and great kits!

  18. I love this kit...thanks for sharing!

  19. Beautiful kit- I'm heading off to download it. This is my first time to your blog, and I think you're a great designer. I'm sorry people are mistreating your work!

  20. Feel so sorry to hear about the problems you're having, but I've read this a lot of times in other blogs today, too - what kind of people's are these, who do not respect the own of others...

    But anyway - i love your work an hope you will be sharing it again in future.

  21. Thanks for sharing your wonderful talents. I was so sorry to hear about your stolen files. Some people just can't wait. Thanks for the wonderful kit.

  22. Did I miss the password or am I blind?

  23. Wow, I just found your awesome designs too! I'm so sorry to hear that someone had to steal your stuff. It really is beautiful but I understand your point. Ah well, great kit.... but no password:: sniff:: Have a great day.

  24. I am so sad! I just found you and your work is AMAZING! You have inspired me to leave more comments because the work that people do and give away for free should be recognized!!!

    Is there a password for Silly Star elements?

  25. Thank you - know that there are scrappers who appreciate what you do and they outnumber the jerks.

  26. I just found your website this weekend and I love your stuff! thank you for the Freebies and Thank you for inspiring me! (Seeing as how I am just getting started in the digital scrapbooking world!)

  27. OMG, I just HAD to come back... and I got it. FABULOUS kit!!!! I'm off to play with it now! I'll be sure to let you know where to find my LO. THANK YOU!!!!

  28. Thank you for the stern talking too haha. I am going to make more of an effort to say thank you. I really do appreciate the free kits and the time it takes to make them. Being a stay at home mom I am on a tight budget so I really really appreciate the freebies. Thank You.

  29. I am sorry for that experience! I just recently found your site and love your designs. Please don't let what happened get you too down! I can understand more family time though! I look forward to more of your creations! Thank you for sharing :)

  30. Talent....that's what you got, baby!!
    Thanks for sharing it with us.

    I understand your frustrations, especially when all your hard work seems under appreciated and has taken time away from your family. Do whatever is going to make you happiest. That's what life is for!!

  31. I just found your site and I'm sorry about the problems you've had with your un-released kits. Some other sites I follow have had the same problem. Sending you thanks & hugs!

  32. Love the colors in this kit! Thank you!!


  34. Sorry that someone stole your files - I really do appreciate you sharing your talent with us!! Sorry about not leaving more comments :( When I subscribe to a feed - the comments dont always show up - then i forget :( Sorry!


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